Monday, October 6, 2014

We Just don't Understand our Humans!

Dear Cora and Ace,

How was your week? Mine was business as usual. I think my humans are trying to give me more freedom. They’ve recently let me out of my cage when they are gone for the day. I’m trying really hard not to potty in the house so they’ll be proud of me. They’ve tried to free me once before, but I accidently went #2 on their carpet. They weren’t happy about that. So I went back to doggy jail for a while. I mean, I really try hard not to make a mess while they are gone. They keep the trash picked up, so there is no temptation there. Sometimes, they leave their shoes on the floor. But, you know what? I resist the temptation and do not chew them. I overheard mommy saying she had a dog that loved to chew her shoes up once before. He didn’t get to go free. He had to be chained up. Nope! Not me! I want freedom! Dixie gets to run free. If she can be good, so can I. I will be the favorite! I will! Oh, you know what else? They even let me sleep in the bed with them sometimes!!! Dixie doesn’t even get to do that. I’m glad, though. She can’t be still. She is always moving and causing a commotion. I, on the other hand, can be still and cuddle up in one spot. I just love their fluffy blankets.
Here is my complaint this week: Why can’t a dog get a decent bath, brush, and haircut up in here? I mean, mommy keeps saying that it’s too expensive to get us “groomed.” But, you know what? Mommy and daddy both get to take several baths throughout the week. AND….they both got their hair fixed this week! Seriously? Daddy got a nice cut. Mommy came home one day and hers was a different color. I see what their priorities are. Humph! If they don’t do something soon, Granny may step in and try to “groom” us again. Now, last time she did this it did not go very well. Mommy let me go so long without a groom that all my hair was clumped together. Granny tortured me for hours to make me look half way decent. We won’t even talk about what she did to Dixie. She messed her up bad! (But it amuses me because Dixie has a silly hair cutJ) Does this happen to you guys? Do your humans take pride in your appearance? Anyways, I hope you guys have had it good this week. Keep in touch!


Harley “desperately needs a groom” Browning

Dear Ace and Harley,

Hi little brothers! Ace, my life has been lonely since you and your human left to a new home. Especially now since my human is gone for years at a time every day. Though, despite my many efforts to sway her into staying with me, she still leaves. So I wait and wait, and everyday feels like I wait longer. When she finally comes home, she smells like a place I've never been before.
Mother tells me she has a new job and I cannot come. What is a job? Should I have a job? It sounds like a horrible thing if it keeps her away from me. And what kind of place wouldn't allow her to bring her child?
During her absence, it's all I can do to distract myself from the cold loneliness. Usually I sleep the pain away on a pile of mother’s clothes because the smell is comforting to me. The worry of her never returning grows as the food in my bowl becomes more and more scarce.
Food hasn't seemed to be a worry to her, though, lately. She is getting awfully fat. I've done my best to moderate her food intake by insisting she share with me, but her belly keeps getting bigger and bigger every week. I really am worried, Ace and Harley. What if she has worms or some other horrible parasite inside her?
On a lighter note, I was taken to the groomer this week, and my pompom is on point. Mother is growing my ears out so the she can braid them. OW!

Love your very concerned sister,
Cora (perfect pompom) ChiPoodle

Dear Harley and Cora,

            Well, this week has been interesting to say the least. For starters, I got in MAJOR trouble. Let me preface this little incidence with this… Mom leaves me home alone A LOT…. When she isn’t home, I get lonely. And well, my loneliness took hold and well I may or may not have shredded an entire box of Kleenex. I mean, it serves her right for leaving me for long amounts of time. You should have seen her face when she came in. She had a sort of reddish color about her face and she was yelling. I simply made confetti to celebrate her returning and spread it all around the living room. Instead of taking it as a thoughtful gesture, she was mad…I really can’t imagine why. If she didn’t want to think of it as confetti, she could have thought of it as fake snow (I know she loves the snow). But alas, I got spanked and sent to doggie jail. Another thing that happened to me this week is I decided it would be a great idea to help myself to the bag of treats mom leaves on top of my food container. I didn’t think I would be able to open it at first, but to my surprise, my teeth didn’t let me down. I managed to open the package.  I told myself that I will only allow myself one treat because I had been a good boy and figured I ate all of my kibble, so I certainly deserve one. Well, I ate my one treat and then I just couldn’t stop. Before I knew it, I had devoured the entire bag, and my tummy was not happy. (Did I mention it was the brand new bag mom had just bought the day before?) My tummy hurt, and well, I couldn’t help but lose my dinner and the treats all over mommy’s floor. (oops!) I lay on the couch until she came home, and even then I didn’t greet her at the door. She forced me to follow her outside; which I guess is ok because I threw up again. Mom wasn’t as mad this time, although she did laugh at me and tell me it serves me right. You know I never laugh at her when she is sick. I usually am nice and sit in the bathroom with her as emotional support. See if I ever do that again. Other than that, my week was great. I barked at dogs that came close to my window, I took many naps, and I chewed an entire bone. That was a big deal for me! Whew, talk about a busy week; I hope this week I can do less barking and more sleeping. It is a full time job keeping the dogs away from my window. Well guys, I hope that you have a good week and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Slobbery Kisses,